You Too Can Live A Life You Feel Good About…

This must-have book is not just a woman’s treasure box – it’s a goldmine! And it’s running over with real-life advice and practical tools EVERY woman MUST HAVE to live the life of freedom that she deserves.

Inside my second best-selling book, I give it to you with a pure heart – and LEAD you through a path of inner healing for the ultimate self-discovery for lasting results.

I Feel Better Already!

will help you grow at any stage

In I Feel Better Already! Your Journey to Self-Discovery and Self-Confidence – you’ll discover:

  • How to uncover that big barrier – and create a powerful affirmation to dissolve it

  • How to turn negatives into positives – and have a new perspective on life

  • Priceless prayers that profits – go behind the veil to communicate with God

  • How to start where you are with what you have – you are enough!

  • How to live like a boss – owning your life and taking responsibility for making it the best life possible

  • The ultimate secret to living an abundant life with confidence – and how to agree with who God says you are

  • and so much more!

and by the way...

I don’t just give you some fluff about chasing rainbows and being positive and then everything will magically work itself out – I give you a systematic structure to help you release your freedom through truth and honesty. Which unfolds into true self-awareness and bold confidence.

Most books tell you what, but they never walk you through how. But not me. See I want you to feel great about the life you’ve been gifted with, so when you purchase your copy of my book I’ll share my entire process with you. Small Call to Action Headline


If you’re a woman looking to discover her true identity, live audaciously, or anyone trying to live happier days, these are the core things you need to implement.


You’ll receive a 30-day framework designed to help you remain consistent and committed to yourself and the life you deserve to live.


Practicing self-reflection will make you more self-aware, which in turn improves the quality of relationships in your life.


How praying the right prayers can instantly boost your mood (no worries, I’ve taken care of the prayers for you. All you have to do is believe them and pray them for results).


Hi there, I’m Kesha Chanel! I have dedicated my life’s work to helping others heal. As a Registered Dietician (RD) of over 20 years in a health care facility, people depend on my truth, knowledge, and expertise to help them live longer and fuller lives. As a certified Abundant Life Coach, I’ve carried this same commitment toward healing with my clients.

A big component of holistic healing is connecting the dots. For the past few years, I’ve been able to connect thousands of women with other experts and coaches who possess the ability to help solve their problems weekly on my show
Coach Connection.

Once a victim of perpetual hurt and trauma from decades of abuse and mistreatment, I made a lot of mistakes in relationships and parenting until I discovered how to heal from the inside out. Now I’m on a mission to help other women live life and build relationships from a healed place versus a hurt place. Every day my goal is to help someone say, “I feel better today than I did yesterday.”

-Kesha Chanel | Certified Abundant Life Coach

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