Feel Better Formula

Get the Support and Strategies You Need to take your Life from blah to

STOP doing “all the things”

and start doing the

“right things.”

Okay, so with love in my heart, I’m going to get straight to the point. You’ve wasted enough time in life just existing, and now you don’t have any more time to waste …I know you’ve been doing “all the things” – random self-care rituals full of massages and face masks (and I’m proud of you for taking initiative), but if you ever want to live an abundant life that you truly enjoy, you’re gonna have to do the things that get you the results you desire.

Let me explain:

You’ve spent weeks, months even years investing in eBooks, courses, classes, coaches, going to church, and everything in between all in an effort to discover your truest self, and live freely, and unapologetically.

But in the midst of all that, you’ve actually stunted your freedom, inadvertently leaving you bound by disappointment and setbacks. You see, the answers to your consistency, application, and freedom problems are NOT buried in another half-baked “self-help book.”

What you need are the support and resources necessary to build your life and receive your healing on an unshakeable foundation.

That way, whether you hit a brick wall when you’re just starting out or when you’re 3, 5, or even 15 years in, you can always switch up your perspective and stand strong on the foundation of your truth. Unfortunately, many people are just living life in default mode and don’t do this for themselves.

Instead, they piece together a string of unrelated feel-good moments, laughs, and memories and call it a life. But what they really end up with is an ongoing “situation” that’s exhausting and sucking up wayyy more effort than it is rewarding them.
And that situation is called being alive NOT living life.

Now, if you’re just existing through life and satisfied with merely being alive versus living a thriving life from a healed place then please allow me to introduce you to the solution you’ve been waiting for …

Introducing the Feel Better Formula

Inside the Feel Better Formula, you’ll join other women who like you, are ready, willing, and able to make BIG things happen in life – all you need is the “master plan.” And that’s exactly what you’ll get when you join us.

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Here are the ABCs of what’s waiting for you inside the Feel Better Formula :


Proven to increase performance and responsibility, there’s nothing that can compare to accountability. As a member, you’ll unlock my treasure chest of daily strategies, methods, and frameworks to achieve your biggest goals with fewer missteps.

Book Booster

This isn’t just any ole run-of-the-mill course… This course has been specifically designed to accompany your copy of I Feel Better Already! A Journey to Self-discovery and Self-confidence. Together we will go through it section by section. Think of it as your class textbook for this course.


The days of doing it alone are over. Yesss, it’s time to flood your life with the love and companionship of others. It helps unite us and eases your heavy load. It will give you the opportunity to connect with people who will help you reach your goals in an environment that is safe and secure.

Sooo, if you...

  • Are struggling to release your superpowers in a way that intrigues life to open up for you

  • Have found yourself draining your resources and wasting precious time following guru after guru in the pursuit of happiness only to stay velcroed back at square one

  • Find it almost impossible to build an irresistible life that attracts the right people and keeps your confidence radiating 24/7

  • And you are willing to ditch hiding in the background and ready to take a bold front-row seat in your own life

...Then you’re gonna love the Feel Better Formula because it’s the place where you’ll receive (loving) kicks in the behind so you not only absorb the how-tos of true self-discovery but also display your newly found self-confidence by taking immediate action. #Winning

Just imagine:

Sitting down with your favorite hot drink, to reflect on your life knowing the exact steps to take to ensure that your past no longer casts a shadow over the brilliance of your future. Now, I’m not promising you’ll have a breakthrough on day one or that every day will be the best day of your life. That’s like saying a unicorn is going to chauffeur you around town from here on out.

But what I am promising is, when you join us inside the Feel Better Formula, you’ll finally strut through life pass the hurt, pass the trauma, and pass the loneliness. You’ll find yourself standing in the “promised land” – the beautiful place where you have the resources and inside support, you need to finally achieve your inner healing to live life boldly.

The enrollment doors to the

Feel Better Formula are now OPEN!

Get highly practical, easy-to-apply

guidance on true self-discovery and self-confidence in a way that puts you on

the fastest path to living life freely for

only $497!

Answers to All Your Lingering Questions:

1) I’m still at square one in my self-discovery journey, is the Feel Better Formula right for me?

Absolutely! The Feel Better Formula covers every stage of inner healing to help you overcome a lack of confidence and low self-esteem so you can finally achieve the valuable life you deserve to live. In fact, now is the perfect time for you to join the Feel Better Formula. You see, not only do I include training that will take you through the many twists and turns and the ups and downs of maintaining an enjoyable life, but you’ll also get support and advice from our highly supportive and knowledgeable community too. This way, you’ll never feel alone or lost during your journey.

2) Can I get one-on-one support?

Yes! Not only can you ask questions and get advice, support, and feedback from within the community, but I also host weekly Q&A sessions where you can pre-submit your questions or even ask me live.

3) Why should I join today instead of waiting?

It’s time for you to take action. Here’s the thing: If you really want to reveal the truest version of yourself to the world, you need community, support, and most of all... accountability! The Feel Better Formula is the place to get it.

4) What happens if I want continued support after our 30-day course ends?

If you decide that you’re having such a great time and don’t want the party to end, then don’t worry. Here’s your invitation to join our ongoing monthly membership with no commitment strings attached.

Meet Your New Feel Better Formula Bestie

I’m Kesha Chanel, a confidence booster, happy healer, and one-half of your self-discovery duo. You see, I know all about climbing out of the dark trenches and pits of life with just a glimpse of hope that tomorrow can be a better day. From childhood to adulthood I carried all of the baggage of misuse, abuse, and neglect. I understand now that a lot of the experiences that I identified as hurt came as a result of hurt people doing the best they knew how at that time. In turn, I began to hurt people, because I was existing in life with a damaged outlook. Once I realized that it was up to me to decide what my tomorrow would look like, I began to take ownership of my future. But please know, I developed my skills through good old “blood, sweat and tears.

Like you, I tried following advice given by “everybody and their mama” and it was just too much noise. I was all over the place until I stopped listening to a gazillion different gurus on how to find inner peace (and maintain) an enjoyable life.

So, you ask, what did I do? Well, I started being honest, researching, and building my own process with these life goals in mind – discover my truest self and be confident about it.

After documenting and testing my steps, I developed a daily strategy that has generated more peace in my life than I ever expected for both me and those closest to me. I have no doubts that it will do the same for you.

So now I’m here ready to pull back the curtain on my strategies tucked inside the Feel Better Formula. You are enough and you already possess everything you need to apply these proven strategies for success, freedom, and enjoyment of a full life. The only thing missing is the support and strategies to turn all of that into a better tomorrow. And that is what’s waiting for you inside the Feel Better Formula.

Join now!

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